Anywho Ben & Jerry (from Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream) must of thought it was funny to because they made an ice cream and called it ........
Diet or no diet I am prepared to find this and eat it! As Alec Baldwin said, "No one can resist my Schweddy balls."
Now back to business. Last night I went for my 4th night of working out and I couldnt do it. I literally couldnt move my foot. I jogged for the first 9 minutes and then after that it was too difficult to control my foot it kinda just flopped around so I just sat and rested a bit before leaving. I'm not going to let that discourage me though, I plan on going back tonight. However, I am going to lay off the treadmill for the next couple of nights and let my legs recover. Well here is my time and distance for last night.
Something is better than nothing! I hope the rest will help! Have a great weekend!